Dennis and the dictator-Docfilm

"NBA star Dennis Rodman organized a basketball game in North Korea in 2014 for Kim Jong-un. The event, arranged as Kim Jong-un's birthday gift, was supposed to be an attempted peace mission. But diplomacy within a repressive regime is not easy.

"Dennis Rodman sees himself as part of a worthy tradition. After all, in the 1970s, American table-tennis players at a tournament in Beijing ushered in the end of the Ice Age between China and the USA. But in Pyongyang, everything goes wrong: the politically naive Rodman, increasingly in thrall to his drinking, embarrasses his own teammates and becomes the target of media attacks back home. It becomes clear that the game will be a birthday gift to the basketball-loving dictator, complete with a serenade to the beloved "Marshal" by the former NBA superstar. Our film shows where naiveté in the face of a repressive regime can lead."
