Melinda Gates: What Graduates Need to Hear at Commencement This Year

"I used to think that the best commencement addresses are the ones that leave audiences feeling charged with a sense of possibility about the lives they’ll lead and the mark they will make on the future. But this year, I’m hoping for something more.

"You often hear the refrain that commencements are about beginnings — and that, for the graduates, the best still lies ahead. Graduates are encouraged to dream big, bold dreams and to imagine that when they cross the stage and enter the next phase of their lives, they’ll be stepping into a world full of possibility.

"What I wish we heard more of is what these speakers plan to do to ensure that vision of the future has a place in it for every graduate.

"As much as we like to tell young people that they will go as far as their talents will take them, it’s no secret that the modern American workplace still works better for some people than for others. The results are plain to see — whether you’re looking at the fact there are more men named James than women leading Fortune 500 companies or the data that tells us African-American women and Hispanic women together hold fewer than 5% of the jobs in tech.

"What has also become clear is that the costs of these inequalities are simply too high to bear. Invisible biases, closed networks and insufficient leave policies put insurmountable barriers in front of millions of Americans’ path to the careers they dream of. Our society is losing out on their talent and their contributions. And businesses are at risk of losing their advantage in the global economy.

"When I talk to business leaders across the country about their vision for the future, it’s clear that no one understands these stakes better than they do — and it’s heartening to see more and more organizations beginning to test solutions.

Gathering data is a good place to start. The more businesses know about their employees — who’s being recruited, hired and promoted — the easier it is for them to set targets for inclusion and diversity. Data helps us understand what’s working, what isn’t and who’s being left behind.

"...Any commencement speaker can encourage young people to live up to their potential. But these graduates deserve more than encouragement; they deserve action. This spring, I’ll be listening with special attention to the leaders whose speeches reflect that."
