"Half-Hazard" By Kristen Tracy

"They can put a girl on the moon right now, I suppose.
The details wouldn’t be too hard to crack.
Dangers here. Perils there. It’ll go how it goes.

"Earth faces venoms, disease, foes, and woes.
Free of that jeopardy, she won’t rocket back.
If you put the right girl on the moon, I suppose.

"Some might worry alone she’ll face lunar lows.
Does a girl who lacks parties turn blue in pitch black?
Dangers here. Perils there. It’ll go how it goes.

"Like Buzz, Neil, and other above-average Joes,
she’ll travel in space boots and wield a screw jack,
if we put our best girl on the moon, I suppose.

"We’ll blast her above every bloom of dog rose.
Let her farewell our bright spots along with our wrack.
Dangers here. Perils there. Who will own how this goes?

"Prepared for the darkness and cut off from schmoes—
whole girl, half-hazard. On a zodiac track,
we’ll put that girl right on the moon, I suppose.
Endangered. Imperilled. And watch how it goes."

