Why losing the African Cup of Nations is a heavy blow for Cameroon

"The proud footballing nation of Cameroon is under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. This follows the announcement that they have been stripped of the hosting rights for the African Cup of Nations (AFCON) 2019 because of delays with preparations as well as security concerns.

"The Confederation of African Football (CAF) announced the decision after a meeting of its executive committee, saying that “a number of compliance conditions have not been met” and that it did not want to expose the Africa Cup of Nations to any issues that could impact on the success of the most prestigious African competition.

"The competition is due to start in June 2019.

"There’s no denying that hosting a large scale sporting event comes at a cost. There are years of planning and investment to ensure that the necessary infrastructural work gets done. This kind of financial commitment is daunting for any nation, but particularly for Cameroon which is ranked 93rd out of 190 nations in terms of its wealth.

"But countries opt to host events like this because they believe that there will be positive economic and social spin offs. Cameroon is no longer in a position to benefit in this way. And the decision is also a blow to its reputation, particularly given its reputation as a great footballing nation.

"...In the longer term, a significant benefit of hosting a prestigious competition is investment which inevitably leaves a legacy of improved sporting venues and the creation of local jobs.

"This investment hadn’t yet got off the ground in Cameroon. Only four of the planned six stadiums have been built while three out of five cities still have no accommodation infrastructure.

"Wider instability

"In addition to the infrastructural delays, the CAF Security Inspection Team also noted wider issues during its most recent visit to Cameroon. The team noted that “wider issues” could affect the success of the competition. This was a reference to the political instability in the country which has extended to some fearing that Cameroon is on the brink of civil war.

"Cameroon’s ruthless military crackdown on a separatist movement in Anglophone regions has led to claims of genocide. Cameroon also continues to contend with the enduring terrorist threat of Boko Haram attacks as the terrorist sect remains operative in the country’s far north.

"CAF’s decision means that an urgent call is now out for new host country bids to ensure that AFCON 2019 takes place as planned. The plan is to announce the new host in early 2019."
